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Simdha Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal Rinpoche

Simdha Getul Anam Rinpoche

Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal Rinpoche was born in 1945 into a very well known family at “Nyak Shung” North East of Simdha Dzogchen Monastery. By awakening the karmic propensities acquired through having practiced the Dharma over many lifetimes, he took to the study of the Dharma very naturally and gained expertise in all the rituals and scripts.


Dzogtrul Rinpoche, the first seat holder of Simdha Dzogchen Monastery, also gave future prediction that His Eminence the 6th Simdha Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal will become the leading Dzogchen Master and he will not only lead the eight state of Derge King but also become a renowned master in Nyingma Lineage.


In 1959, as we all know, Tibet underwent a political change. During this time, many Monasteries and especially religious freedom to practice dharma was plundered. Later around 1960 – 1962, Chinese govt. called for the policy of  “recuperation” during which they built a school, which had the religious freedom to practice dharma.During Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal Rinpoche’s stay there, he experienced the pure vision of the protector of dharma, “Ekajati” and gave many prophecies about the future.


Dzogtrul Rinpoche also once experienced a pure vision of a great Indian Scholar from the middle of the sky and gave many prophecies relating to previous and future incarnations and related. That piece of letter is still there preserved in our Mother Monastery – “Simdha Dzogchen Monastery” in Tibet.


After few years of imprisonment, they declared “Sentenced to Death” on Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal Rinpoche. A few days before his “Sentence to Death”, when he was sitting in meditation position and seeking for help, seven forceful deities appeared from the primordial purity and he attained realization of the two paragraph of Dharma Pala Puja of “Tsengoe Rolpa” which he later put down in writing and continued to exist henceforth and thereby, he overcame with his encounter with Lord of Death.


In 1985, the Chinese government retracted all the punishments stated earlier, gave religious freedom to practice dharma and likewise, granted the permission to rebuild the Monasteries. Simdha Dzogchen Sangchen Tashi Choeling Monastery being one of the bigger monasteries in Tibet and holding one of the oldest monastic lineage, was given permission to rebuild the Monastery.


Subsequently, the Monastery was rebuilt for the third time under the close supervision of Getok Tulku Gyurmey Namgyal himself as per the standards of Ogmin Ogyen Mindrolling. It was built in accordance with the requirements of both University for Buddhist Philosophy Study and the Buddhist Meditation Centre. As for the vinaya, he established the customs on the basis of Ogmin Ogyen Mindrolling, protecting the 253 vows, 17 rules and four-root downfall, performing proper sojong rituals and practicing the three main bases. Normal pujas, rituals, offerings such as chopas and the ganachakra, the annual drupchen and as well as other various practices of rituals and termas were practised at appropriate times. 


One of his biggest achievements was the carving of “Terchen Kabum” – the collected work of 16 volumes of great treasure revealers and “Lochen Kabum” – the collected word of 24 volumes of Lochen Dharma shri on wood which are still present at our Mother Monastery in Tibet till date. 

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