Simdha Tulku Choenyi Dakpa Rinpoche passed into parinirvana

Sat Mar 28 2020 20:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Today I heard from Tibet Monastery that our Tulku Choenyi Dakpa Rinpoche has left for parinirvana at dawn. He was the back bone of our monastery at Tibet and it was a terrible loss for all of us. He worked tirelessly for the monastery all his life. Without him, it won’t have been possible for our Simdha Monastery to function without any worry. Whether it was the smallest matter or the big one, he made sure to take all matter in his own hand and find a solution to it. I still remember him vividly in my thoughts, his loving heart has so much compassion for everyone. He cared about each and everyone in the monastery and surroundings of the monastery. Whether it was at dusk or dawn, he was always available for the matter of the monastery. Every Tulku has their own path and display different activity in their life and his was absolutely selfless and compassionate one for the wellbeing of others.
For his smooth journey to the next life and for his swift rebirth, for the swift meeting of Rinpoche again, we have requested all the great gurus in Tibet, Bhutan, India and Nepal and also requested for the lamp offerings in all the holy sacred places in Nepal, India and Bhutan.
May you swiftly be reborn into this samsara again to continue your wheel of dharma and continue your activity. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
May the lives of the glorious masters be secure, May all beings enjoy happiness and peace, May we all accumulate merit and wisdom purifying all negative karma and swiftly reach enlightenment.