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Wed, 04 Mar



Annual Ganachakra Puja at Kathmandu

Ganachakra Puja which was initially planned at Bodhgaya has been changed to Boudha, Kathmandu due to the break out of the coronavirus.

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Annual Ganachakra Puja at Kathmandu
Annual Ganachakra Puja at Kathmandu

Time & Location

04 Mar 2020, 7:00 pm – 09 Mar 2020, 11:00 pm

Boudhhanath, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

About the Event

 Simdha Getul Rinpoche is leading the Kunchok Chidu BumTsok Ganachkara Puja for three days starting from 4th March to 6th March which will begin on the auspicious Guru Rinpoche day of Chötrul Düchen and the Vajrasattva puja for three days starting from 7th March to 9th March which will be conclude on the auspicious Chötrul Düchen day during which the hundred syllable mantra will be accumulated for one hundred thousand times. This Chötrul Düchen  ( Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations") closely follows after Losar, the Tibetan New Year. It takes place on the fifteenth day of the first month in the Tibetan calendar. The first fifteen days of the year celebrate the fifteen days during which the Buddha displayed miracles for his disciples so as to increase their devotion. During Chötrul Düchen month ("Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations"), it is believed that the effects of both positive and negative actions are multiplied ten million times. 


Simdha Getul Rinpoche will led the Kunchok Chidu Ganachakra Puja for three days starting from 4th March to 6th March which will begin on Guru Rinpoche day of the Chötrul Düchen. Kunchok Chidu Ganachakra Puja (BumTsok) will follow after the Vajrasattva puja for three days and finish on the auspicious last day of chötrul duechen (full moon fifteenth). Konchok Chidu is a very profound and wide cycle of teachings. There are many ways to accomplish Guru Rinpoche’s mind, but this is one of the highest and most secret way. Guru Rinpoche says: If someone even just opens a book of this text, the surroundings become rich and peaceful, and all wars become reduced. If you have devotion and wish to practice this text, even if you are an animal, it helps you to attain a pure land. For the beings of this degenerate time, receiving this precious, unbroken, and blessful teaching is more rare and precious than finding a wish fullfilling jewel. An individual practitioner who even just holds these teachings, offers to its deities or listens to these precious teachings, is a son to all Tathagats gone to bliss, and his karmic defilements become pure like a washed white conch. His two accumulations increace like the stars in the sky. His life, accumulations, bodhichitta mind and wisdom increase limitlessly. When death comes, one can recognize ones own natural state and be liberated in the bardo. There is no question about the benefits if you practice or accomplish this text. These are words of Padmasambhava. The Konchok Chidu, or “Gathering of All Precious Jewels”, is a Guru Yoga practice which involves four aspects of Padmasambhava’s activities, and encompasses all Three Roots: the Lama, the Yidam, and the Kandro, in the forms of Tsokye Dorje, Guru Drakpo, and Senge Dongma Singhamukha, respectively.  The beneficial attributes of this extraordinary practice are removing harmful influences, generating positive circumstances for the environment and all beings, increasing virtue, and clearing away ignorance are among many others.


The main benefit of Ganachakra Puja (Tsok practice) mentioned in the tantras is the accumulation of merit with conceptual focus as well as the accumulation of wisdom beyond focus. In the termas, we also find mention of unimaginable benefits. There could be no greater benefit than this. For example, it is said that Guru Rinpoche himself will come and bless the tsok practitioners, or that the place where tsok is performed will become exactly the same as the Zangdokpalri "Copper Plated Mountain" - the heaven of Guru Rinpoche. And Khandro Yeshey Tsogyal said that to practice tsok just once closes the door to lower rebirths. Practise of Ganachakra Puja removes all the obstacles and also could be considered as wish fulfilling. It is also considered that one Ganachakra puja done has greater benefit than hundreds of Puja of "Invoking of wealth".  

Simdha Getok Tulku Namdak Choying Rinpoche will lead the Vajrasattva Puja for three days starting from 7th March to 9th March which will conclude on the auspicious day of Chötrul Düchen and will accumulate one hundred thousand times the hundred syllable mantra of Vajrasattva. In Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist practice, Vajrasattva mantra is used in the Ngondro, or preliminary practices, in order to dissolve and purify the mind’s defilements, prior to undertaking more esoteric tantric techniques.Chanting of this 100 syllable mantra brings great benefit to the practitioner and has the effect of deluded habitually tendencies, clearing obstacles, conflicting negative emotions, negative habits of all kinds and unresolved karmic debts.  

Simdha Getul Rinpoche will lead both the Puja at Boudha during the Chötrul Duechen. Boudha is where the most precious and holy stupa is built which is considered as wish fulfilling stupa. There are several tales in the past and present as well to prove that if we pray with pure motivation infront of this holy stupa of Boudha then our wishes come true. For example: in past when the youngest son of the Ma Jazin Ma prayed that may he be born as someone who could protect the dharma, subdue all that harm comes to buddha dharma and flourish the same dharma, it is said to believe that he was later born as none other than Guru Padmasambhava and he become the one to protect the dharma, subdue all the evil and flourish the buddha dharma and especially the one who brought this buddha dharma to Tibet. It is believed that thousands of Buddhas and Heavenly Deities incarnated as Lamas in Boudha Stupa and did consecration of the stupa. During the consecration of the stupa, the rays of Bodhisattvas entered in the song from heaven and the holy sound was heard in the sky. Therefore this stupa is viewed with great reverence and also known as “All-Encompassing" or "Sangye Tong Dupai Chorten".  

There are many mishap situation arising around the world like the misfortunate breakout of the diseases like Coronavirus of Wuhan, rampage killing in Thai, Paris, States and etc., natural disasters like tornado in Australia, Macau and etc, Bush fires in Australia, wars around world like Syrian war and etc., famines and droughts, environmental problems arising like global warming and many more which breaks our heart to even hear about them. We would like to including each and everyone, either it be human beings or it be animals, in our prayers and dedicate it's merit for the benefit of all mother sentient beings.

Any participation to this auspicious Vajrasattva Puja and the Kunchok Chidu Ganachakra Puja at Boudha and support to the dharma activity is most welcome. Kindly send your names who wants to participate in the Ganachakra Puja here.

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