Time & Location
15 Jun 2019, 8:20 am – 17 Jun 2019, 12:20 pm
Ganges, Ganges
About the Event
Simdha Getul will led the life release of fish from saultery at Ganges River, Varanasi between the 15th June - 17th June, 2019 of the Saka Dawa Month. Saka Dawa month is when we celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death (parinirvana) of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Saka Dawa observations take place in the fourth Tibetan month which in 2019 begins from 4th June and ends on 2nd July, 2019. This meritorious month carries a special aspect where any good deeds performed during the month are rewarded with one hundred million times greater good karma. By performing life release activity, during Saka dawa month will reward us with the merit of it with millionfold.
Although every life is precious, the process of living inevitably causes us to take the lives of other living beings. We cannot completely prevent this situation because as long as we walk, breathe, eat, and so forth, we cause the deaths of many creatures. However we can cultivate mindfulness, and try to reduce taking lives to the best of our ability. We can also offer a gift of life and protection through the practice of Life Release. No matter what our lifestyle is, we can do this practice. It benefits those who offer the gift of life as well as those who receive it. And regardless of the religion we practice, its results will be strengthened if the practice is conducted with an aspiration that all beings without exception enjoy happiness and a life free from any harm.
"The benefit of doing so is beyond imagining.
This is the best practice for your own longevity,
And the greatest ritual for the living or deceased.
It is my main practice of benefitting others.
It dispels all external and internal adversity and obstacles;
Effortlessly and spontaneously, it brings favourable conditions;
And, when inspired by the noble mind of bodhicitta and
Completed with dedication and pure aspiration prayers,
It will lead one to complete enlightenment,
And the accomplishment of one’s own and others’ welfare—
Of this you need have no doubts at all!
Sickness among people and livestock will cease,
Harvests will be plentiful and life will be long.
All will enjoy happiness and wellbeing in abundance,
And at death let go of deluded experience,
Before finding an excellent rebirth within the higher realms.
Ultimately, there is no doubt that this will lead one easily
To find the supreme and perfect state of awakening. "
~ Chatral Rinpoche
Kindly, feel free to contact us for any contribution you would like to send it forward.