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Orgyen Pema Home

Support our children

Simdha Getul Rinpoche always wished to help others as much as possible and tried on many occasions distributing books, foods and clothes. 


His presence in Nepal during the earthquake in 2015 shock his soul where he witnessed many innocent and helpless living being lost their lives, many children lost their parents, their home and mostly their childhood. We still remember his words when he described the state he thought that whole country became quit as hours passed by and then outburst in feeling of extreme melancholy.


Last in beginning of 2016, Rinpoche spend a long time in Bodhgaya and during his practice under the Bodhi tree, he told us that he had this undefinable strong feeling that he must do something more permanent that can help others. Something which can help others more in long term because so far what ever he has done was only able to support and assist for temporarily.


Rinpoche travelled to southern India, he went to several orphanages, old folk homes and poor places. He told us that we all complaint about our life every time, without knowing the real sufferings  and sorrows. 


The things he witnessed in past few years, the sorrow that we go through, those sufferings overwhelmed him. That is when he told us that we need a coherent plan for action. As a dharma practitioner, We told us that he has always wished to do something that would help the underprivileged kids in shaping a better future, in finding more like a long term solution rather than the help which was extended all these while for an interim brief.


Rinpoche was looking for place to do something to help others and he decided to start with "Orgyen Pema Home" which eventually lead to the Orgyen Pema Foundation. He decided this name when he was on pilgrimage towards tigers nest (Paro Taktsang) for feast Offering and prayers along with Kyabje Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche to start this project. 


When the logo was designed for the time, it was only with one boy sitting on lotus and later he redesigned the logo with a girl sitting on the right side and boy on left side because he said that girls are precious and also the women power. He said they are our mother and they have equal capability and I want educate people in remote areas about this. 

This Orgyen Pema Home Project aim to restore hope and provision of basic needs to orphans and vulnerable children. Especially after the earthquake and civil war that happened in 2001, many children lost their home and parents. With your support and donations, we can build a home for these destitute and abandoned children and help these children’s physical health and to improve their daily life and living conditions.

The objectives are to rehabilitate the children with interpersonal development skills through education, medical care, building of their self-esteem and social living skills. We will equip children with psychosocial skills that will enable them live responsibly in the community. We will provide a nutritional diet to all children to help eradicate malnutrition and encourage healthy body and mind growth.

We will provide a friendly living atmosphere for the children. We will have pre-school, primary and secondary pupils. We will provide shelter to all the children with our dormitories and the main family house. The program will provide clothing and school uniforms to the children. Medical care will be provided as well. The home will provide on going psychosocial counseling for the children through networking with pro-bono counselors who will provide invaluable counseling to the children.


Furthermore we want to initiate income-generating activities to sustain the home. The home will build a small farm and look after the animals like cow that will provide milk to us which we will sell locally, supplementing the home’s already strained budget.

We are also planning to empower local families with small business skills so that they can improve their income in readiness for the reintegration of the children back to the community.


"Every experience is what you make it and it serves a purpose.  It might inspire you, it might educate you, or it might come to give you a chance to be of service in some way." 


Rinpoche also wish to work on environment issues and start these project and put his plans into action. Meanwhile we need funds for our project and we really hope that we will able to fulfil Rinpoche's wish. If you wish to donate please contact us at  

We appreciate your help 🙏

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